医学博士 伊琳娜.巴边科

伊琳娜.巴边科 医学博士

Dr. Iryna Babenko, MD, PhD

伊琳娜.巴边科 医学博士

Obstetrician-gynecologist, reproductive medicine specialist.


Specialist Qualification Category: B, MD, PhD. 博士

Work Experience: 10 years. 工作经验: 10年

Affiliations: 会员:

Membership of the Ukrainian Association of Reproductive Medicine (UARM), 乌克兰生殖医学联合会会员

Membership of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE). 欧洲人类生殖和胚胎学协会会员

Published materials:

  • The differentiated approach to the treatment of infertility in ART for poor responders;
  • International experience in patients with side effects and complications after medical abortion;
  • Comparative analysis of different methods of ovarian stimulation in vitro fertilization;
  • Soft stimulation compared to the standard protocols in cycles of ART;
  • The use of a modified natural cycle of ART in patients with infertility and reduced ovarian reserve;
  • Artificial insemination in natural cycles and modified protocols;
  • Specializes in infertility treatment with methods of assisted reproductive technologies, surgical gynecology.




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